Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don't buy auction houses before a feng shui audit

Buying property through auction.
I have been looking at some good investment of buying houses and properties by auction or “Lelong” and I decided to write this article.

Buying houses and properties by auction or “Lelong” is one way of buying houses or properties below market value. But, we have to think why these houses are being auctioned by banks or financial institutions. Most of the cases are the inability of the owners to service their mortgage or pay the loan installation.

Why do you think the houses are on auction?
If we think about the house owners having financial problem and the house feng shui, are we not concern about the house has bad feng shui? You do not need to be a feng shui master to put one plus one equal to two.

Will there be good feng shui houses on auction?
But, there are some good feng shui houses on auction. This is because feng shui only affect the people who live in the house and some owners of auction properties are living in another property. So, it is the house that they are living that has bad feng shui and not their other houses that are being auctioned that created the financial problem. But, most of the houses on auction are lived by the house owners.  

To select out the few good feng shui houses not live-in by the owner, you will need a feng shui master to audit the property to find out before you place an auction bid.

What if I am buying as investor, will the bad feng shui affects me?
Of course, I think most investors of auctioned properties like myself, are not going to live in their new property bought through auction. It is just an investment to resell for a profit or to rent creating a residual income.

Well, if a house has bad feng shui, when we rent out the house, the tenant will not be able to pay the rental on time. We will have the hassle to keep chasing the tenant for rental payment and finally evacuating the tenant, and the task of advertising for another tenant. This will go on and on. This is one headache house owners dreaded and feared most.

On another note, if we are buying to resell for a profit, bad feng shui houses or properties are very, very much harder to sell. To resell for a good profit will be a major problem.

In conclusion, it will be a smart choice to hire a feng shui master to audit the house or property before jumping in to bid for it. The feng shui consultation fee paid for qualifying a lelong property is worth every single cent.

Note : “Lelong” is the Malaysian word for auction.

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